- 商品描述 Product Description
- 專業咨詢 Professional Consultation
Health Questionnaire. Detailed Health Check Report. Health report elaboration by medical professionals.
- 體格檢查 Physical Examination
Height, Weight, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index
- 全血檢查 Complete Blood Picture
紅血球 Red Blood Cell
血色素測定 Haemoglobin
紅血球壓積率 Haematocrit
血小板 Platelets
血塗片檢查 Blood Film Comment
平均紅血球體積 M.C.V.
平均紅血球血紅素 M.C.H.
平均紅血球血紅素濃度 M.C.H.C.
紅血球體積分佈 RDW
自血球及分類 White Blood Cell w/ Differential
- 血型 Blood Type
血型及恆河猴因子 Blood Grouping & Rh-D
- 炎症檢查 Inflammation Screening
紅血球沉降率 ESR
- 肝功能檢查 Liver Function Test
谷草轉氨酵素 AST
谷丙轉氨酵素 ALT
丙氨酰轉肽酶 Gamma GT
鹼性磷酸酵素 Alkaline Phosphatase
總膽紅素 Bilirubin Total
總蛋白質 Protein Total
白蛋白 Albumin
球蛋白 Globulin
白蛋白及球蛋白比率 A/G Ratio
- 腎功能檢查 Renal Function Test
尿素 Urea
肌酸酐 Creatinine
鈉 Sodium
鉀 Potassium
氯化物 Chloride
二氧化碳 CO2
- 心臟病風險評估 Coronary Risk
總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol
高密度脂膽固醇 HDL-Cholesterol
低密度脂膽固醇(直接測試) LDL-Cholesterol (Direct Assay)
三酸甘油脂 Tri glyceride
丙種反應蛋白 C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative)
心臟衰竭指標 – B型利納鈦 Heart Failure Marker – B Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
- 糖尿病檢查 Diabetes Screening
空腹血糖 Fasting Blood Glucose
糖化血色素 HbA1C
- 心臟檢查 Coronary Screening
靜態心電圖 Resting Electrocardiogram ECG
- 關節炎檢查 Rheumatoid Screening
類風濕性關節炎因子 RA Factor
- 痛風症檢查 Gout Screening
尿酸 Uric Acid
- 甲狀腺檢查 Thyroid Screening
甲狀腺素 T4,Total
- 尿液檢查 Urine Test
顏色 Color
清澈度 Turbidity
比重 Specific Gravity
酸鹼度 pH
葡萄糖 Glucose
酮 Ketone
蛋白 Protein
血液 Blood
膽紅素 Bilirubin
尿膽素元 Urobilinogen
亞硝酸鹽 Nitrite
顯微鏡下分析 Microscopy
白血球 Leukocytes
- 糞便檢查 Stool Test
糞便潛血檢查 Occult Blood
- 肺部檢查 Chest Screening
胸肺X光片 Chest X-ray
- 骨質密度檢查 Osteoporosis Screening
鈣 Calcium
無機磷酸鹽 Phosphorus, Inorganic
- 癌症指標 Cancer Marker
癌指標 CA 15.3(乳房) (只限女士) Cancer Marker CA 153 (Breasts) (Female only)
癌指標 CA 125(卵巢癌) (只限女士) Cancer Marker CA 125 (Ovaries) (Female only)
癌指標 PSA (前列腺癌) (只限男士) Cancer Marker PSA (Prostate) (Male only)
癌指標 AFP (肝癌) Cancer Marker AFP (Liver)
癌指標 CEA (腸癌) Cancer Marker CEA (Colon)
癌指標 EBV (鼻咽癌) Cancer Marker EBV (Nasopharynx)
胰臟癌指標 CA 19.9(胰臟癌) Cancer Marker CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- 子宮頸檢查 Cervical Screening
Thinprep (Sampling By Female Registered Nurse, For female only)
附加檢查項目 Additional Items
- 超聲波肝、膽、脾 Ultrasound Liver, GB, Spleen
- 超聲波肝、膽、脾、胰、腎 Ultrasound Liver, GB, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidney
- 超聲波盆腔 Ultrasound Pelvis
- 乳房造影及聲波掃描 Mammogram & Ultrasound Breasts
- 超聲波前列腺、膀胱(經直腸) Ultrasound Prostate, Bladder (Transrectal)
- 幽門螺旋菌吹氣測試 Urea Breath Test
- 癌症指標檢查 (血液檢查) Cancer Marker Screening
- 癌症指標 – 鼻咽癌 EBV 病毒抗原 Cancer Marker EBV (Nasopharynx)
- 癌症指標 – 腸癌 CEA 癌胚抗原 Cancer Marker CEA (Colon)
- 癌症指標 – 肝癌 AFP 甲種胚胎蛋白 Cancer Marker AFP (Liver)
- 癌症指標 – 胰臟癌9 癌抗原 Cancer Marker CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- 癌症指標 – 前列腺癌 PSA 癌抗原 Cancer Marker PSA (Prostate)
- 癌症指標 – 卵巢癌 CA125 癌抗原 Cancer Marker CA 125(Ovaries)
- 癌症指標 – 乳癌 CA 15 .3 癌抗原 Cancer Marker CA 153(Breasts)
身體檢查注意事項 Precautions for Physical Examination
- 所有身體檢查必須於三天前預約。
- 如有身體不適,需服用抗生素治療,請完成抗生素療程三天後才預約檢查;否則有機會影響血液檢測結果。
- 必須禁食6 – 8小時,期間可以飲少量清水;不包括奶茶、咖啡、香口膠喉糖及所有口服藥物(糖尿、血壓及心臟藥物等)
- 女士於月經前三天或完畢後七天內不能作檢查,以免影響結果。
- 如懷疑懷孕,不可作X光及婦科子宮抹片檢測。
- 建議於早上進行檢查,避免禁食時間過長,引致抽血後不適。
- All health examinations must be booked three days in advance.
- If you feel sick, or you need to take antibiotics. Please complete the course of antibiotics three days after the appointment check; otherwise it may affect the blood test results.
- You must fast for 6-8 hours, during which you can drink a small amount of water; but milk tea, coffee, chewing gum, lozenges and all oral medications (diabetes, blood pressure and heart medications, etc…) are not included.
- Ladies are not suggested to have the checkup three days before the menstruation or within seven days after the menstruation.
- If pregnancy is suspected, X-ray and gynecological pap test are not allowed.
- It is recommended to check in the morning to avoid excessive fasting, which may cause discomfort after blood draw.
金齡計劃 – Plan B
標籤:#體格檢查 #全血檢查 #血型 #炎症 #肝功能 #腎功能
#心臟病風險 #糖尿病 #心臟檢查 #關節炎 #痛風症 #甲狀腺檢查
#尿液檢查 #糞便檢查 #肺部檢查 #骨質密度 #癌症指標 #子宮頸檢查